Meet the Indian Animals
Tiger is the largest living member of the big cat family. It has a graceful built. The reddish yellow coat with black stripes gives it a royal look .... |
The Indian Rhinoceros, internationally known as the Great Indian One Horned Rhinoceros is a colossally built beast of truly mammoth proportions.... |
The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus) is a one of three subspecies of the Asian elephant "Elephas maximus". .... |
Asiatic lions are seriously endangered. The Indian lion is another name for the Asiatic lion, Panthera leo persica, the sub-species that once ranged from Greece .... |
The King Cobra, found in India is the largest venomous snake in the world. In a single bite it can inject enough venom to kill an elephant.... |
Peacocks, commonly called peafowl (peacock refers to the male), are large pheasants, family Phasianidae, of the Indian-Asian region .... |
Tigers in general are the biggest cats in the world. They live in steamy hot jungles as well as icy cold forests. There are five different .... |
Even though sharing its name with the common leopard, the snow leopard is not believed to be closely associated to the Leopard or the other members of the Pantherine Family and is classified as the only member of the genus Uncia uncia..... |
Kala Hiran also called Indian Black Buck Antelope (Antelope cervicapra L.) is an exclusively Indian animal, which is perhaps the most graceful and beautiful of its kind... |
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